Bravo Company
Bravo Company has adopted the 101st Airborne Division Patch; better known as the “Screaming Eagles.” During the Civil war, the 8th Wisconsin carried Old Abe (an American Bald Eagle) into battle, screaming his fury at the enemy while tethered to a wooden shield in the shape of the present day patch. Old Abe was wounded twice, and eventually died. In honor of Old Abe, the head of the American Bald Eagle was placed in the center of the shield and eventually on the present day patch. During World War II, a new unit called the Airborne adopted the old Wisconsin patch and renamed it the 101st Airborne Division. The 101st Airborne Division was one of the elite U.S. Army units that distinguished themselves throughout the WWII European campaign.
austin galleron
Company Commander

Executive Officer

izreal Ferreyra
First Sergeant