Former Instructors

Lieutenant Colonel Mike Coger
As the son of a military man, I grew up around the world. Living in areas as diverse as Okinawa or Germany gave me an early appreciation for travel. I attended high school and college in Georgia earning my degree in management. I began my military career as a Second Lieutenant Infantry at Fort Benning Georgia. I completed Ranger school and parachute school before heading to my first troop assignment in Korea. For the next twenty years I traveled the world from Panama to Alaska. My favorite assignment was the two years I spent working with the Australian Army. I have a wonderful wife (Laura) who I met while stationed at Fort Ord California. Laura and I have three sons, the younger two graduated from SSHS. Luke (Reed 2001) my oldest is married to his high school sweetheart and is living and working in Reno. Kevin (SSHS 2004) is serving in the US Navy as an EOD technician and loving the excitement and adventure of a special operations sailor.

Master Sergeant George Tabor
Master Sergeant Tabor was one of the original instructors at Spanish Springs High School, joining the program in 2001 when it started, and leaving in 2011. Master Sergeant Tabor was the LET 2 instructor until Master Sergeant Bleumer took over, followed by Sergeant First Class Mendenhall. Master Sergeant Tabor served his vountry in the Vietnam Conflict.

Master Sergeant Bob Bleumer
Master Sergeant Bluemer, often called Sgt. B, was the Sophomore Instructor (LET 2) when he left at the end of the 2013-2014 school year. He was one of the original instructors who started up the JROTC program here at Spanish Springs High School. Sgt. B lead the Cougar Battalion Drill Team for 13 years, taking one team to the National Competition in Kentucky.